
Purpose of the project

The project intends to support inclusive education and digital skills, improving the competences in digital social inclusion of social educators and social volunteers.


Opportunities flexible for adults to learn and improved access through more learning at the workplace, the use of ICT.


Improve the quality of adult learning by enhancing the training offered to adult educators.

Strategic Planning

Ensure effective outreach, guidance and motivation strategies to reach and assist adult learners.


Project objectives

  • Teaching toolkit for adult education staff. A comprehensive collection of 12 methods and practices to support social educators and social volunteers in acquiring and developing basic digital competencies, transferable to other adult education organizations.
  • Training course for social coaching for adult digital integration comprising social coaching wheel, GROW coaching model, active listening and rapport for trust building, stimulate reflection and awareness and practical scenarios for DigComp 2.1
  • P1 from Romania, expertise in language learning, education IT online education, and entrepreneurship
  • P2 from Poland, expertise in collaborative learning, ICT applied to education and social coaching and inclusion
  • P3 from Spain, expertise in social leaning and computer science
  • Digital skills and competences.
  • Development of training course.

  • Contact

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