1. Digital skills among educators and learners in EU and non-EU countries
  2. Adult Social Inclusion in a Digital Environment: digital needs for social services
  3. Digital capability within social work with adults
  4. Promotion of RES in a Technology Transfer Network. Case Study of the Enterprise Europe Network
  5. “Leaky Bucket” of Kazakhstan’s Power Grid: Losses and Inefficient Distribution of Electric Power
  6. Supporting autonomy in a technology - mediated environment
  7. Adult Social Inclusion in a Digital Environment: professional use of information and communication technology - based solutions for social integration
  8. Social inclusion in a digital environment: Workshop in Poland
  9. Social inclusion in a digital environment
  10. Zarządzanie środowiskowe w kontekście bezpieczeństwa ekologicznego

  11. 2019

  12. Digital workforce on the example of the wizlink utility software
  13. Shaping entrepreneurial skills that increase professional activation of women in rural areas
  14. Cultura digital y política cultural. Una mirada desde el aprendizaje permanente
  15. Polish State Aid for Transport Services and Infrastructure Between 2007–2016
  16. Impact of business environment institutions on effective entrepreneurial education
  17. Crowdsourcing solutions for supporting collaborative learning: a case of undergraduate management students
  18. Personal experience and the construction of knowledge: the case of undergraduate tourism management students
  19. Information technology as a catalyst of innovative changes in enterprises
  20. Marketing management in recreational organisations
  21. Influence of information sources on tourists: a case study of students of marketing and management in the silesian region
  22. The inter-organizational network management model and the diffusion of information
  23. The potential of academic entrepreneurship: a chance for the development of the sme sector
  24. Persuasion in the light of research on advertising messages
  25. Digital social innovation: a preliminary portfolio of competencies for school social workers
  26. Rola straży ochrony kolei w zarządzaniu kryzysowym
  27. Online participatory learning for low-qualified adult learners
  28. Zarządzanie wirtualną przestrzenią edukacyjną
  29. Transport infrastructures expenditures and costs analysis: The case of Poland
  30. Crowdsourcing solutions for supporting urban mobility

  31. 2018

  32. Economic missions as an instrument to support business tourism of enterprises in 2014-2020
  33. The effectiveness of innovative processes in enterprises taking advantage of the technology audit
  34. Rola mediów społecznościowych w innowacyjnym kształceniu
  35. Turystyka biznesowa przedsiębiorstw w doświadczeniach beneficjentów sieci Enterprise Europe Network
  36. Cultural Routes & Heritage, Tourism & Rural Development. Book of Proceedings
  37. Wybrane działania promocyjne na rzecz obiektu turystycznego hotelu Mercure Częstochowa Centrum. Studium przypadku
  38. Spotkania brokerskie jako innowacyjny instrument wsparcia rozwoju przedsiębiorstw
  39. Zrównoważone łańcuchy dostaw jako wyłaniający się obszar badawczy
  40. Działalność instytucji otoczenia biznesu w zakresie wspierania rozwoju przedsiębiorstw instrumentami przemysłu spotkań
  41. Wpływ efektów technologii informacyjnych na zadania menedżerów
  42. Technologie Informacyjne jako instrument efektywnego wsparcia procesów biznesowych
  43. Zakres wykorzystania Technologii Informacyjnych i ich znaczenie dla zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem
  44. Contemporary Information Technologies in business management
  45. Rola Technologii Informacyjnych w zarządzaniu nowoczesnymi przedsiębiorstwami
  46. Internationalization of Enterprises Supporting Instruments for Technological Cooperation
  47. Online Booking: The Case of Booking a Hotel in Ogrodzieniec using the Booking.com Platform
  48. Learning from the knowledge and expertise of others
  49. Enotourism and sustainable tourism in poland
  50. Information Technology and consumer behaviour in tourism: student travel planning by using the Internet
  51. EPSS method and tools for improving the competence in the XXI century
  52. Cultural Management and Governance for European Pilgrimage Routes, Religious Tourism and Thermal Tourism
  53. Tourism Management in European Cultural Routes: The case of Uniejów Thermal Spa Area Development
  54. Cultural Routes & Heritage Tourism & Rural Development: Abstracts Book
  55. Building democratic europe together: multiplier events in Czestochowa
  56. Wsparcie rozwoju turystyki w doświadczeniach funduszu pożyczkowego rozwój turystyki w małopolsce"

  57. 2017

  58. Online work-space-shared management to support collaborative learning
  59. Providing tourists with smart travel diary
  60. Management in European Thermal Routes and Sites: Book of Abstracts
  61. Online collaborative learning: the EsCAlADE training experiment
  62. Sharing emotions and experience: How Social Media can affect travelers’ behavior
  63. Information communication technology for professional development of adult education staff management: challenges and prospects in the silesia region
  64. Challenges of web-based participatory learning
  65. Towards a New Wave of Telerehabilitation Applications
  66. Project Cultour : Building Professional Skills on Religious and Thermal Tourism
  67. Applied Information and Communication Technology

  68. 2016

  69. The Role of Social Media in Sports Communication Management: An Analysis of Polish Top League Teams’ Strategy
  70. Managing corporate identity through Internet: the case of the Górnik Zabrze handball Ltd
  71. Cultural and religious tourism management in european cultural routes
  72. Polish case study: analysis of hospitality base in the Radom-Czestochowa pilgrimage by bicycle route
  73. Cultural Management and Tourism in European Cultural Routes: from theory to practice
  74. Cultural Management: from theory to practice
  75. Place Branding: are we at a Turning Point?
  76. The Turning Point of the Place Identity
  77. Technologie informacyjno-komunikacyjne jako innowacyjne źródła informacji turystycznej
  78. A Preliminary Exploratory Research On The Turning Point Of Place Branding Management
  79. Cultural Management and Tourism in European Cultural Routes: Cultour+ Summer School- Book of abstracts
  80. Experimenting participative e-learning in non-formal adult education: the ESCALADE project
  81. Managing cross-cultural online communication in multicultural project teams: the case of cultour+ project
  82. Key issues in adult non formal participatory e-learning
  83. Creating effective online collaborative learning groups at higher education institutions

  84. 2015

  85. Information Technology (IT) in the management of hospitals in Poland - GESITI Research Project at Region Silesia - Report ISSN: 2316-2309
  86. Psycho-educational context of supporting seniors in Poland , using tools from the EDUSENIOR project
  87. Lifelong learning and active citizenship : the case of directing life change project
  88. A toolkit to evaluate the impact of an educational action to seniors' quality of life
  89. Analysis of selected areas of educational activity of senior citizens
  90. E- Resource Management at part-time students of Management Higher Schools: Effective use of downloaded information for research purposes
  91. A study of entrepreneurial strategies in biomedical and genetics
  92. Evolution of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education – the case study of Extremadura Region in Spain
  93. Use of online collaborative writing tools by students of higher education
  94. Electronic media management – use of cloud computing in students of higher school

  95. 2014

  96. Impact on Senior Learners’ Quality of Life through Lifelong Learning
  97. Zestaw narzędzi ewaluacyjnych dla instytucji oświatowych Zwiększenie wpływu edukacji na jakość życia seniorów
  98. A toolkit to evaluate the impact of an educational action to senior

  99. 2013

  100. Knowledge transfer in school-enterprise cooperation of vocational education: enhancing students’ self-learning ability for employability
  101. Education Models
  102. Evaluation toolkit for educational institutions Increasing impact on Senior learners’ Quality of Life
  103. Zastosowanie technologii informacyjno–komunikacyjnych w edukacji: udoskonalanie badań naukowych i rozwoju zawodowego

  104. 2012 - 2008

  105. Las nuevas tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones: Impacto de Internet en la formación Universitaria
  106. Investigación e Innovación en Educación: Encuestas online como herramienta de investigación
  107. Influence of ICT Security management in the implementation of ICT for educational purposes at high school: case study of Radom region
  108. Instructional and Cognitive Impacts of Online Learning Tools for Internet Based Education at Higher Schools
  109. Effective Learning Environment Management through the implementation of online cooperative learning tools at Higher Schools
  110. Influence of Information and Communication Technology Security management
  111. Internet i jego nowoczesne narzedzia a idea uczenia sie przez cale zycie na przykladzie Wyzszej Szkoly Ekonomii i Administracji w Bytomiu
  112. E-teaching as a form of creating personal dispositions that increase work efficiency (doi: 10.3991/ijac.v1i2.574)