"Context / Background
The emphasis of the project “Go Digital” is on Digital Competences and
Media Literacy which are closely related, and both draw on the same core skill of
Critical Thinking.? Media Literacy focuses on teaching youth to be critically engaged
consumers of media, while Digital Competence is more about enabling youth to
participate in digital media in wise, safe and ethical ways. Digital Competence
and Media Literacy are complementary and mutually supporting and both can
prepare the young people to use to digital technologies in a confident, critical,
collaborative and creative way to achieve goals related to work and employability
and moreover to learning, leisure,
inclusion and participation in society.
According to a 2014 survey?
up to 47% of the EU population has insufficient digital competence,
including 23% who has no digital competence at all.?Digital
Competence levels are lowest in the least educated part of the population.
This applies to all immigrant groups.?Digital Competences is particularly beneficial
to people with disabilities because digital competences can provide:
(a) solutions to many of the employment barriers such as difficulties with transportation, workplace discrimination, and the absence of available jobs in which the individual is skilled
(b) a direct route to achieving the individual’s career goals.